(Janesville, WI) – More than 80 individuals attended today’s 2018 Summer Rock Internship Program’s Signing and Orientation event at Blackhawk Technical College’s central campus. Attendees included high school interns and their parents; school career and technical education and/or counseling personnel; representatives from the internship worksites; and economic and workforce development stakeholders. This paid, high school internship program is made possible through a partnership between Blackhawk Technical College (BTC), Rock County 5.0 and Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board.
During the event, over 20 interns received a comprehensive program orientation – which included various programmatic onboarding procedures. Topics such as payroll record keeping and processing; workplace expectations, scheduling, performance and interactions; the Friday seminar series; and individual and/or group activities were reviewed, as well. Interns, parents and the host worksite businesses then participated in a ceremonial signing event.
A diverse grouping of employers, including several that are hosting more than one intern, are participating in the 2018 Rock Internship Program. These businesses include: Angus Young Associates, Beloit Snappers, Beloit Fire Department, Blackhawk Technical College, Bliss Communications, County of Rock, Diamond Assets, Forward Janesville, HealthNet, Rock County Job Center (SWWDB), SSI Technologies and Stainless Tank & Equipment.
This structured, 4-week earn-and-learn program represents one of the first and only collaborative, paid high school internships offered throughout the State of Wisconsin. In addition to providing incoming seniors with meaningful career pathway experiences, the internship program will assist these youth with accelerating and/or developing their personal and professional skills.
Blackhawk Technical College is a forward-thinking, proactive college that believes in real-world experiences and hands-on training in a diverse atmosphere. Our long-term goal is to redefine what a technical college is, through flexible scheduling and delivery models, a range of program offerings, partnerships with local employers, and world-class facilities with high tech equipment – including some you won’t find anywhere else in the state of Wisconsin. BTC has five campus locations in Monroe, Milton, Beloit and Janesville and is a major provider of customized training and technical assistance for the Rock and Green County business community.
Rock County 5.0 is a public/private initiative to advance Rock County’s economic development through various interrelated local and/or countywide plans to reposition and revitalize the region’s economy. Through a singular voice, Rock County 5.0 is dedicated to identifying and nurturing economic opportunities, accelerating regional growth and growing local assets.
The Southwest Wisconsin Workforce Development Board (SWWDB) is a private, non-profit corporation dedicated to promoting innovation and providing quality local workforce development programs and services to businesses and residents in Southwest Wisconsin.