





Rock County 5.0 is a public and private sector initiative anchored by the Rock County Development Alliance. The Alliance is a network of economic development professionals representing the collective interests from Beloit, Janesville, Rock County and Alliant Energy. Since 2001, these organizations have been collaboratively planning, as well as implementing, various complementary economic development related initiatives.

With a combined tenure of over 50 years, including experiences from various communities, regions and states the Alliance is an eclectic offering of seasoned professionals. Traditionally, the Alliance relied upon shared in-kind staff support and highly leveraged resources to support their collective efforts. This arrangement had restricted the effectiveness, as well as well as the frequency, of the Alliance’s activities and/or programming.

Fast forward, the lion’s share of these efforts were originally designed to reach externally-based audiences, including but not limited to: businesses, consultants, developers, investors, etc. In consideration of emerging trends, opportunities and stakeholder feedback, these efforts pivoted inwardly toward internal audiences. The list below provides a snapshot of the work products and/or activities commonly associated with the Rock County Development Alliance:

Economic Indicators – Analyzing job, growth, housing, income and other economic statistics supports sound investment and development decisions.
Business Development Outreach & Exposure – Building positive brand equity via targeted messaging, delivered through various mediums, reaching millions.
Economic Diversity & Investments – Repositioning and revitalization efforts fueled by different industries, which is strengthening and broadening the area’s economic base.
Enhanced Services & Tools – Creating and building a leading edge, economic development toolbox; thereby, providing more efficient, effective and proactive services to public and private sector constituents alike.

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