Rock County 5.0 fosters a culture of collaboration, opens / maintains functional communication channels and create connections – among and between various constituency groups. These activities strengthen and grow existing assets; encourage and identify new opportunities; and accelerate and cultivate new relationships and connections.
Support for Rock County 5.0 derived predominately from the private sector, with additional assistance leveraged from individual, philanthropic foundation and some public sector (in-kind) sources too. To date, more than 60 businesses, non-profit organizations and individuals contributed their financial resources and in-kind services to support Rock County 5.0.
A 5.0 Advisory Council, representing a cross-section of the County’s industry sectors, provided guidance and recommendations as it concerned the implementation of this economic recovery and repositoning plan. Meanwhile, the Rock County Ecoonmic Development Agency – with support from Beloit and Janesville – was and remains the primary implementation arm of this countywide initative.
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