Rock County 5.0 is dedicated to identifying and nurturing economic opportunities, accelerating regional growth and growing local assets. In doing so, Rock County 5.0 effectively deploys various tactics to capitalize on relationships through technology-enriched applications to facilitate the growth, diversification and the strength of the area’s economic landscape. As such, activities, programming and resources are aligned with the following core strategic areas of focus:
Business Retention & Expansion
Strengthen & Grow the Economic Base
Encourage Business & Supply Chain Collaboration
Business & Investment Attraction
Diversify the Economic Base
Identify & Position for New Growth Opportunities
Small Business & Entrepreneurship
Accelerate the Formation of New Ventures
Grow Existing Small Businesses
Identify Needs & Match Resources
Real Estate Positioning
Expedite the Speed-to-Market Process
Improve Activities & Transactions
Workforce Profiling
Identify Talent & Skill Sets
Align & Strengthen Supply with Demand Opportunities
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